How do I request all my files to be deleted? (July-August 2021)

File deletion requests

As announced in a major news post explaining our reasoning in great detail, we are granting mod authors a 1 month grace period to request all their mod files to be deleted if they so desire. If you would like for us to delete all your mod files, please send an email to from the email attached to your account and following the template specified in this help article. To confirm the deletion, you will also need to respond to a personal message we will send you on our site/forums.

Important points to consider

Before you proceed please note:

  • Until 5 August 2021 (10:00 AM BST), you may request all of your files to be deleted permanently from our services. Requests received until that date will be processed even after the deadline has expired.
  • In order to streamline the process, you may only request to have all of your files deleted (all or nothing). Update 20/07/21: You can now request specific file deletions here
  • We will only be processing deletion requests based on this template in this help article sent to
  • We can only honour deletion requests sent from the email attached to your account.
  • To fully process the deletion: after receiving your email, we will send you a personal message on our site/forums to confirm the deletion and you will need to respond to it before the deadline expires.
  • The announced changes to file deletions i.e. the introduction of file archiving remain active.
  • Should you not request a full deletion of your files until the designated deadline, you accept that going forward your files will only be deleted at the discretion of staff.
  • You accept that files uploaded to our services after the designated deadline will only be deleted at the discretion of staff.
  • The option to archive your files at any time is not affected by this.
  • The status of your Nexus Mods account will not be affected either way i.e. your account is not going to be deleted or suspended whether you request a deletion of your files or not, unless you specifically request it.
  • If you had previously had access to our mod author subforum (viewable by users who own published files with >1,000 downloads), you will lose said access upon deletion of your mod files.

Deletion template

Hi Nexus Mods Support,

Following the announcement from 1 July 2021, I am hereby formally requesting all my mod files to be deleted by staff at your earliest convenience.

Link to my user profile:

I have read and understood the reasoning and specifications outlined in the announcement.

Best regards

To send this email, you will need a link to your user profile. To obtain that link:

  1. Log in and then go to
  2. In the top right, click on your avatar and select "My profile" from the dropdown.
  3. Copy the URL shown in your browser. It will look something like this:
  4. Paste the URL into your email template before sending it to