What are file endorsements?

An endorsement is the easiest way for users to show their appreciation for a mod. These endorsements are tallied and displayed prominently on each file page which may help users find files that the community have found to be useful or enjoyable. 

Recently submitted mods that obtain high endorsement counts may appear in the Trending Files section of each Nexus Mods game site, highlighting them for the community to see. Additionally, "Top Files" lists are sorted by endorsements and searches can be refined by endorsement counts as well.

However, it's important to remember that endorsements are subjective and do not necessarily reflect the quality of a mod. Many high-quality mods sometimes have low endorsement counts simply because they are niche, new, or not well known. Other times, mods with high endorsements may have been superseded by newer works. Be sure to keep an open mind and endorse mods that you like!

The ability to endorse a file is only made available 15 minutes after initially downloading the file. Uploaders may not endorse their own submissions.

To endorse a file, simply click the corresponding button found at the top of the file page:

It's important to remember to endorse files that you find useful or enjoy. You can choose to receive a reminder to endorse mods that you have previously downloaded. The frequency of these reminders can be changed by accessing your user preferences.

An endorsement can be revoked by simply clicking the appropriate button on the mod's page or entry within Nexus Mod Manager.

During the initial submission process, endorsements can be disabled by the uploader if they wish. Keep in mind however, that this is a permanent change.