How do I cancel or request a refund for Premium Membership?

When you support our community by purchasing a Premium membership a recurring subscription will be created automatically. For example, if you chose to start a 1-month plan you will be charged on the day of purchase and an automatic payment will be scheduled for renewal the following month. 

You can manage your subscription at any time in the self-service Billing section of your account located here:

It is possible to swap between monthly and annual payments using the "Change Plan" button, or you can stop any further payments using the "Cancel Plan" button. Cancelling your plan means that your Premium membership will end automatically on the date of the next payment. 

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

Do you have access to my card details?

No. Your payment data is not stored on the Nexus Mods infrastructure. All payment information is secured with BrainTree - our chosen payment provider. Our billing system has access to the last 4 digits of your card number and/or your partial PayPal account email for display purposes only. 

Will my details ever be used to "force" payments I didn't authorise?

Absolutely not. All payments are processed securely and none of our staff members has the means to charge you directly without your consent. Every transaction created and charged through our system will have been authorised by the account owner. In short, if you are charged it will be because you authorised a payment to access our Premium service. If you are concerned about account security, we recommend enabling Two-Factor Authentication on your account. 

How can I request a refund?

Provided you meet the criteria mentioned in our Refund Policy, you can request a refund of a membership payment by emailing us. Please make sure you are contacting us from the email associated with your account and/or you provide the invoice generated in your billing area. Once approved, a refund can take up to 5 working days to be returned to your account depending on the payment method used.